Have You Recently Been Charged With a Misdemeanor?

Keep Your Record Clean and Call the Criminal Defense Lawyer In Spring Hill That Cares.

For first time offenders, a misdemeanor may simply receive a light sentence from a judge. Our criminal law firm knows how the court system works and how to get the best desired results for our clients. A defense attorney can challenge evidence presented by a prosecution including warrants, arrest procedures, forensics and other means used by the prosecution to prove a case. When handling misdemeanors, the goal of Reynolds Law, PLLC is to get best possible outcome for our defendants. Depending on the circumstances of the alleged crime and the seriousness of the offense, our criminal lawyers will coach you through the best possible scenario should you accept a plea, as well as the worst case scenario should our attempts be unsuccessful. If you want to fight your misdemeanor or simply seek legal advice and representation, make an appointment today for your consultation with a trusted and accomplished criminal lawyer.

Criminal Law Practice Areas

  • DWI/DUI Charge
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Major Traffic Violations
  • Simple Possession
  • Underage Drinking
  • Theft Crimes
  • Shoplifting
  • Assault
  • Property Crimes
  • Other related areas
  • Get the Legal Representation You Deserve

    Don't see your charge listed above? Give our law office a call today to see how we can help you. Don't wait any longer, begin building your defense today.